Commodore Lynette at 2016 AGM
SYC Commodore Lynette Morris-Reade convened the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday March 19 at the Blaine Marina Meeting Room. This is the one true business meeting of the year and a wide range of topics were discussed.
Treasurer Alan Owen reported on the current financial standing of the club and details of the 2016 operating budget. The club is in good financial standing, with savings being accumulated for the purpose of acquiring or leasing a clubhouse.
Past Commodore Al Oakley thanked the board for their service. He also welcomed and encouraged new members to be involved in events and consider hosting or co-hosting an event.
Vice Commodore Brian Carpenter reviewed the club’s membership status, recruitment activities, as well as our Nauti-Gear and Reciprocal programs.
Commodore Lynette stepped in to provide an overview of the remaining Social Events planned for 2016. Highlights include our regular Nauti-Fridays, as well as our annual Crab Feed, Halloween Party and the Commodore’s Ball.
Fleet Captain Paul Dumbleton discussed our very active and full Cruising Schedule. Several events are in need of co-hosts, and members were encouraged to volunteer.
Communications chairperson Chris Backus reported on the 2016 annual, Border Lines newsletter, new website, facebook, public relations and photography team activities.
Port Captain Larry Barnes introduced the additional Dock Captains (Bob Simpson – BBV, Wayne Broadhead – Blaine). Larry also discussed SYC dock box decals, our new name tags and the new picnic tables that the club has had installed at the marina.
Additional Committee reports where provided for the Education (Bob Ruth), and Facilities (Paul Barlock) Committees.
Following lively and informative discussion on a number of topics, the meeting was adjourned.