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Community Contributions

SYC Giving Back To Our Communities

Our SYC members represent many communities across both sides of the United States and Canadian border, but we share one larger and common community which is our incredibly beautiful and extended cruising ground! With a diverse group of members, we share common traits of generosity, caring, and giving back to our community.

Over the past years, SYC has contributed to several organizations across our communities. These include The Plover, Drayton Harbor Maritime Society, The SeaDoc Society, BC Marine Parks Forever Society, Boys and Girls Club of Blaine, Blaine Chamber of Commerce, Blaine Sea Scouts, and the Turnpoint Lighthouse.

Giving back to our community is important, and SYC is proud of our members that give so generously with their resources (money, food, and other goods, time, and knowledge). We look forward to our 2023 Cruising Season and the continued generosity of our members.


The Blaine Marina, where SYC is headquartered, provides a destination with shopping, restaurants, marine facilities, and many city-sponsored activities. One such attraction is the Blaine Marine Park located directly across the street from the marina. The park is in the process of refurbishment. SYC, to show appreciation for the warm welcome to the city and marina, has donated six (6) cement tables and benches proposing they be placed in the marine park area for use by the community and marina boaters.

Drayton Harbor Maritime

The Historic MV Plover has been operating for the past 24 years as a public passenger ferry. Beginning in 1944 and for the next 20 years the little ferry transported cannery workers back and forth across Semiahmoo channel. The Plover then spent another 18 years reconfigured as the harbor tug assisting the cannery’s water operations until its retirement in 1982. After a 7-year effort Drayton Harbor Maritime (DHM) restored the ferry to its original configuration and relaunched her in 1996 for her third career.

For the latest projects by Drayton Harbor Maritime, please click on:

The SeaDoc Society

Based on Orcas Island, the mission of the SeaDoc Society is to ensure the health of marine wildlife and their ecosystems through science and education. SeaDoc conducts and sponsors ground-breaking marine research to uncover the environmental factors threatening to unravel the web of life in the Salish Sea and surrounding watersheds. Their work is made possible by donor support. The team focuses on scientific research and the conservation of species from killer whales and other marine mammals to sea birds, forage fish, sea stars, and much more. They also promote youth education and outreach efforts throughout the entire Salish Sea to build awareness of the ecosystem and its threats, with the aim of impacting policy and ensuring its future. Get free updates from SeaDoc at

Marine Parks Forever

The Marine Parks Forever Society (BC) is an all-volunteer registered non-profit founded by the Council of BC Yacht Clubs in 1990. They have contributed more than $2 million to the betterment of over twenty marine parks. They have an extensive installation of over 186 Stern ties to protect the environment and make safe anchoring for boaters. Marine Parks are also exploring ways to make the stern ties more visible while keeping them environmentally safe. Washington State Parks contacted BC Marine Parks Forever regarding our stern ties, floats, and mooring buoys. This cooperative exchange recognized what the Society has done in BC Marine Parks.

The Society launched a new website last year ( which includes a page for the stern ties with small charts showing how many and the general locations where on the beach you’ll find them.

Please see the online donation form and a link for American citizens to support BC Marine Parks. Donors will receive a charitable donation receipt eligible for U.S. tax. We’re hoping this will encourage U.S. recreational boaters in the Pacific Northwest will take advantage of it to show support for BC Parks they use.

SYC Mexico Connection


A number of years ago knitters/crocheters from the Fraser Valley and SYC members began to collaborate on the gifting of handmade goods for underprivileged children in Mexico. Initially, Dawn and Tom Douthwaite carried donations to the village of San Pancho. Dawn continued to act as a gathering hub when, in subsequent years, Katherine Crosbie and Martin Lockyer made the annual effort part of their winter in Mexico. Katherine, Martin and Colleen and Peter House are part of a group that organizes a gifting party on Three Kings Day (Epiphany). This year, Friday January 6th.

The knitters focus is on younger children with special emphasis on newborns. This year Carmen Myers triumphed with a stack of beautiful receiving blankets for the tiny arrivals. Debbie Howcroft pitched in to get donations to Dawn. Katherine collects the stash from Dawn in November and sends photos for the donors when the goods have been distributed.

Look carefully and you can see Martin in the background of one of this year’s shots.

Anyone wanting to knit/crochet for the project is welcome!

SYC Mexico Connection