On August 27 the Shemly’s hosted another successful SSS (Shemly Shoreside Shindig)

by | Aug 27, 2022

The 2022 SYC Shemly Shoreside Shindig was held on August 27th and SYC was blessed with great weather that provided a one-day reprieve from the August heat wave that had settled in over the Pacific Northwest.

Thirty-eight SYC members and 5 guests attended.  Two of these guests were Paul D’s little grandchildren. While tucking into the delicious appetizers provided by members, attendees enjoyed relaxing down on the dock or up on the lawn, catching up on the latest news and on time lost while COVID had kept them apart. Some also took part in games of lawn bocce ball or cornhole toss down on the beach.   

SYC provided the dinner entree of burgers, salads, and corn.  For those that still had room (those were huge burgers!), there were some very enticing, delicious desserts provided by members. 
Walter and Joan express their deep gratitude by thanking so much all those who helped with putting on this event.

Thanks to Joan and Walter for hosting another successful SSS